The Story of Kargil

Some fifty years ago, it was hell for a Ladakhi to get his basic necessities from far off Srinagar. He had to trek for days on end through the treacherous mountains and once the purchases were made, he would have to trek back all the way to Ladakh.

In 1948, a Ladakhi engineer, Sonam Norbo, graduated from the Manchester University. He belonged to Ladakh and after much thought he explained to one of his friends that it was possible to build an all-weather road connecting Srinagar and Leh. Sonam Norbo’s friend had access to the then Prime Minister, Shri Jawaharlal Nehru and conveyed this idea to Prime Minister Nehru.

Nehru, took a deep interest in this matter and personally met Sonam Norbo and asked him to go ahead with this project. Under the guidance of Jawaharlal Nehru, Sonam Norbu completed the Srinagar-Leh Road and the Jawahar Tunnel in 1958.

The effect of this new road was the fact that within ten years, the whole profile of Jammu and Kashmir was altered. All the three regions of Jammu & Kashmir got inter-connected and in turn Jammu & Kashmir became connected with the rest of India and the World.

Pakistan was the first to realize that Sonam Norbo had physically completed the accession of Jammu & Kashmir to India. In the 1965 and 1971 wars, it repeatedly tried to destroy or occupy this road, in vain. Since 1984, after the eruption of clashes in Siachin, this road has become the obsession of the Pakistani Army. If Pakistan could get control of this road, they will be able to cut off Ladakh from Srinagar. The Indian Army in Leh will be unable to sustain itself if this road were to be cut off. The last few months is another and more vigorous attempt by Pakistan to gain control of this road.

The Generals of the Pakistan Army have always been of the opinion that if they succeed in getting control of the Srinagar-Leh Road, they would not only be able to alter the Line of Control, but also alongside to this they would be able to grab some more Indian territory. Their presence on the Indian side of the Line of Control would be a constant threat to Leh, Ladakh and Srinagar. In turn, it would also isolate Siachin and Akshay Chin, and be of great help to the Chinese in their efforts to grab these areas.

After the 1997 Assembly elections, the international community has refused to take cognizance of the Pakistani claims in Kashmir. The logic behind this is very simple: If the people had come out in large numbers to elect their representatives under the Indian Constitution, there could be no dispute over Kashmir. Furthermore, the Jammu & Kashmir Government was seriously thinking of holding Gram Panchayat Elections. This is further proof that the Kashmir is a part of India, and India has strengthened and consolidated its position by these legal and integrated approaches.

Pakistan realizes that if this kind of consolidation were to take place, its claim on Kashmir would become nullified. Therefore, Pakistan has found out the best way to evert elections by creating a near-war-like situation on the Srinagar-Leh route, thereby compelling India to stop its consolidation efforts and take to frittering away its time, money and men in regaining territory which consists of barren land and difficult peaks as well as a climate that keeps the road blocked for more than half the year. All in all, it must be agreed that the Pakistani timing of the infiltration into Kargil was superbly worked out.

In this timing procedure certain internal factors which contributed to the weakening of the Indian perception of the oncoming Kargil issue can also be seen.

A very important factor, which was internationally known, was the political uncertainty which a weak and debilitated BJP Government was holding on with the skin of its teeth. The Vajpayee led BJP Government was banking on its bargaining capacity by the use of concessions. The Vajpayee Government was also putting too much effort and deployed all its propaganda machinery on the “Friendship by Bus” programme! These efforts were more to save itself from falling and save the BJP from its detractors. Unfortunately for India, Vajpayee was in no position to take a hawkish stand with Pakistan.

“Soldiers of Indian Army amputated during the Kargil war”

The BJP Government while it was making propaganda mileage with its Friendship Bus and Lahore Resolution, over-stepped their brief, while the Pakistani infiltrators were quietly entering the Indian Border and occupying strategic peaks inside Indian territory.

On the 27th of December, 1998, the Indian Government, especially the Prime Minister’s Office, the Defence Minister’s Office and the Home Minister’s Office had received intelligence reports regarding the large scale infiltration by Pakistan. This report got submerged in the euphoria of the Lahore Bus Trip and the Lahore Declaration, which was well orchestrated by the BJP’s propaganda machinery. Not a word was said about the report the Government had received on the 27th December, 1998; and even as of now, the Government does not talk of the report, nor of its existence!

In other words, to put it bluntly, by the 27th of December, 1998 the Pakistanis had installed concrete bunkers, 12.5 mm Heavy Machine Guns, Great Launchers, Underground Bunkers, and a consolidated bulk of ammunition and supplies to last for many months at the strategic points, peaks and vacated bunkers on the Indian side with quiet impunity.

To add insult to injury, a message was also received regarding the infiltration, well in time by a Pakistani Officer, Col. Shams, who is also a Chief of a Terrorist Group and who was captured by our Indian Army personnel at the very beginning of the Kargil episode. This too was quietly put away.

However, the snow on the hills near the Line of Control started melting earlier than expected. This natural or divine intervention, exposed the huge infiltration episode, and a third message, this time by the Army authorities through information obtained by an ordinary shepherd was given on 3rd May, 1999.

Another factor which has come to light rather belatedly, that when the Prime Minister was meeting Nawaz Sharif, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, whose well-known slight of the Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee by a much photographed reluctant hug. The Indian euphoria over this “Friendship Ride to Lahore” closed the eyes of the Indian Government that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had a closed door meeting with his Army Chief, confirming there the Pakistani intent to infiltrate into Kargil!

While the Prime Minister of India was still blundering around talking of “Friendship”, Kargil had been infiltrated, and Prime Minister, Janus faced, Nawaz Sharif had played both ends against India !

The euphoria was not completely over, and the Kargil issue started gaining momentum. However, the Defense Minister, George Fernandes took a biased stand in favour of Nawaz Sharif by calling him an innocent victim who had no control over the Pakistani Army actions! The large-hearted George Fernandes was also prepared to give “safe passage” to the infiltrators and armed personnel of the Pakistani Army, in spite of the fact that we had lost, and were continuing to lose our valiant soldiers who were fighting against this barbaric infiltration. Evidently, St. George was trying to appease his friend Nawaz Sharif in his desire to have better “friendship”.

The leaning backwards in blaming Pakistan has shown the weakness of the BJP leadership, and the fear of all these matters being taken up in the General Elections. The BJP is in a quandary and though it has removed George Fernandes from being a spokesman, it has taken no action against him, while silently, the Prime Minister has vented his anger and frustration at Mr. Jagmohan, the Telecom Minister by removing him for being obstinately honest! It is also a well known fact that the President of India has summoned the Communication Minister, Mr. Jagmohan to gather full and complete information on the whole matter of the erring telecom companies who have lobbied for his removal.

Finally, it would not be out of place to state here that the action taken in April-May of this year on the Kargil issue could well have been taken in December 1998; especially as it is a fact that the Pakistani Army is no match at all for the Indian. It would also not be out of place to state here that the Indian Military Chief Gen. Malik has repeatedly sought permission to cut off the supply lines of the infiltrators, but the Prime Minister of India has not even deigned to reply to him; while on the other hand, the statement of St. George Fernandes giving “safe passage” has now been accepted by the Indian Government, and all the loud talk and statements issued by the Prime Minister Vajpayee that the “intruders will not be spared or given safe passage” was just nothing but bluster which was well chorused.

Mr. Vajpayee, and the BJP Government are overwhelmed with the victory of the Indian soldiers against the Pakistani infiltration. They are talking and taking out Vijay Yatras (Victory Marches), in spite of the fact that the victory has been very costly to India by way of Men and Money.

The Kargil story is no closed chapter. It will live and haunt the political and the social life of every single citizen of India. This is one episode in the adventures that Pakistan has planned. It might have been the last had the Government taken stronger measures. Pakistan need not worry, it can always try again, and if this Government is given a chance to continue, and grumble and stumble as it has done till now, the next Pakistani adventure is surely going to be a disaster.

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