Letter from Ministry of Home Affairs confirms curfew time

As the whole of Delhi was under curfew not a single person could move anywhere, not even within any street; and the question does not arise of a group of people coming together to listen to a talk by Mr. Jagdish Tytler before the gate of the T.B.Hospital. This is a false and fabricated lie.

(b) S. Jasbir Singh also states that he stayed in the house of S. Sucha Singh, and that he went and told him, in detail, what he saw and heard.

This is also false and fabricated. S. Sucha Singh has also submitted his affidavit to the CBI, in which S.Sucha Singh states that he does not know S.Jasbir Singh, that he had never seen him, nor ever heard his name throughout his life.

His affidavit clearly states that S.Jasbir Singh never stayed in S.Sucha Singh’s house. To confirm his statement, S.Sucha Singh has also issued his statement to the press as well.









Keeping in view the perspectives of S.Sucha Singh’s affidavit and statement combined with the curfew on that day, the statement that S.Jasbir Singh had heard Shri Jagdish Tytler instigating the people collected at the gate of the T.B. Hospital to kill more Sikhs fails. No incident of arson, burning or killings was reported in any area including Outram Lines and Kingsway Camp or Delhi, at this particular time, either before or after the Riots.

The CBI investinged the above affidavit and submitted their report in which the CBI found nothing against Mr. Jagdish Tytler and requested the Hon. Court for the closure of the case u/s 173 IPC and once again gave a “clean chit” to Mr. Jagdish Tytler . The Hon. Court put up the case for hearing on 4/10/2007.

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