Justice Nanavati’s Interview with Rajdeep Sardesai

In spite of the fact that, Justice Nanavati had said in a recorded talk with Shri Rajdeep Sardesai, Chairman of IBN News Channel about my role in the 1984 Riots he never said that there was any Substantial Evidence against me. However, if you watch the video, you can find out for yourselves what the Media can do and that it can create anything out of nothing!

Please note that Justice Nanavati says: “Jagdish Tytler falls into another category, because evidence against him is not that strong….”

And yet the IBN new channel starts spreading rumours that the Justice Nanavati Commission found “Substantial Evidence against me! It seems that IBN is more interested in increasing the TRP (Television Rating Points)of their news rather than in giving the true news to the public.

I have a question to ask the media: Is it human to destroy someone’s hard-earned reputation just to increase the TRP of a channel?

After hearing and reading the opinion of Justice Nanavati, can I ask you all –

Why am I being Punished and for what reason?

I hope that you go through the documentation in this website and arrive at the truth about me.

There are many articles and books written by lawyers, historians, and many others about the ’84 Riots. Many different political leaders have also written on this subject, but not one of them has mentioned my name with authentic, documentary of physical proofs by truthful witness witnesses.

There is a “Black Book” called which very authentically described the ’84 riots. This was written jointly by PUCL (People’s Union for Civil Liberties) and PUDR (People’s Union for Democratic Rights); where they had authentically stated that I barged into the Office of the Commissioner of Police inbetween a press conference and I accused the Police for hampering my relief work. A very unjust, mischievous, fraudulent twist was given to this, and a concocted story that I had gone to the Police Commissioner with a completely different motive. This has hurt me, my life, my family, and my healing work.

It is on record that I was involved in the relief work and the Police Commissioner was not co-operating with me. It was normal under those circumstances for anyone to barge inbetween a press conference or anything. Sometimes somethings becomes more important then anything else. I agree that a press conference plays a major role in the development of the country but during emergency, it is normal that the importance may shift to something else. Unfortunately, my “relief” work was related to “release”work. It is very illogical to make such kind of interpretation.

I don’t know why people started talking about the statement given against me by the journalist. People started talking about me for pressurizing the Police for release work. On the other hand, I was blaming the Police for not co-operating in my relief work. People started believing what a single person out of the 15 member press conference said about me, even though, the report itself tells a different story.

On page 12 of the black book, details about the leaders for pressurizing policeman, my name is not mentioned there. It is very ridiculous that people are connecting me with the 1984 riots just because a single person said something against me? I would like to request you to go through the PUCL and PUDR report once again. Read page 12 carefully where the report speaks about the leaders pressurizing police.

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