Author: Jagdish Tytler

The PUCL & PUDR Report on leaders pressurizing police did not name MR. Jagdish Tytler

The PUCL & PUDR Report on leaders pressurizing police did not name MR. Jagdish Tytler

Can anyone find my name here? Is it not ridiculous that people are not talking about the actual report but are blaming me just because one person misinterpreted my statement? Friends, I strongly believe in God, I believe in the Sri Guru Granth Sahabji. I belong to a Sikh family. My late parents, my brothers […]

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CBI Investigation

Because of political pressures, the case was referred to the CBI with instructions to investigate if the two affidavits lodged by Sardar Jasbir Singh and Sardar Surender Singh were true or false. Acting on this basis, the CBI submitted the 1984 Riots case Report before the Hon. Court of Mr. Sanjeev Jain, u/s 173 for […]

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Welcome to Jagdish Tytler’s Blog

Shri Jagdish Tytler was born in Gujranwala (now in Pakistan) of a Kapoor family and was brought up by great educationist, the late Shri James Douglas Tytler, who was the founder of many public schools like the Delhi Public School, the Summerfields School, etc and in whom name the J D Tytler Higher Secondary School […]

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News Clipping of CBI Clean Chit 

On 4/10/2007. the case was placed before the Hon. Court and as per the Court order of 4/10/2007, it was revealed in the report that the name of Mr. Jagdish Tytler did not come up during investigation by the local police. His name cropped up in the statement and affidavit of S. Jasbir Singh before […]

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My Resignation

After nearly sixteen years the Justice Nanavati Commission has indicted me by using the rather unfortunate phrase “probably.” The Akali Party and the BJP got together when the Justice Nanavati Commission Report was submitted in Parliament by the Minister for Home Affairs of the Government of India. They made a lot of noise and said […]

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